Release Date: January 27, 2004
Reviewed by Jeff Brinn
Former Mercyful Fate alumni Michael Denner and Hank Shermann have again joined forces to form a truly pure, uncompromissed group that has brought back all the glory of real metal.
Including such members as Hal Patino, Bjarne T. Holm, and Mark Steene, Denmark’s FORCE OF EVIL have unleashed a maelstrom of twin guitar fury reminiscent of a era of classic metal that has as of now been all but forgotten in the states. With eleven tracks of classic metal, FORCE OF EVIL takes the listener on a sonic journey into a dark world of melodic fury that the well respected Mercyful Fate have always been known for. With the searing vocals of Mark Steene of IRONFIRE mixed with a very incredible production, FORCE OF EVIL are pure masters of the power-metal format that Europe has always been known for.
With stand out tracks like Hell on Fire and Eye of the Storm FORCE OF EVIL grace the listener with an incredible vision of pure metal that surly will please even the most fickle metal fan. Not that this Denmark export has achieved any thing ground breaking to say the least. FORCE OF EVIL have just helped resurge a sound that needs to be re-introduced to a genera of U.S. fans that have been force fed stale music in the last few years. As they say in Europe “Up The Irons”.
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